09 The Basics

We start with the safest and best supported CSS3 additions: HSL color, transparency, rounded borders and box shadow. You can be introduced to the properties here, pursue them in the exacting details of the W3.org specification itself or just use CSS3 generator to create the code for you.

Hue Saturation and Luminance Color

The first specification to be widely implemented, CSS3 color, includes opacity and the hue, saturation and luminance (HSL) color space.

HSL takes three values: Hue is a degree on the color wheel from 0 to 360, where 0 is red, 180 is green and 240 is blue and 360 is red again. So is 720, or any other multiple of 360 — the colors repeat.

Saturation is a percentage value: 100% is full saturation and 0% is no saturation. Saturation works in conjunction with luminance.

Hexadecimal Percent
#000 0%
#111 7%
#222 13%
#333 20%
#444 27%
#555 33%
#666 40%
#777 47%
#808080 50%
#888 53%
#999 60%
#aaa 67%
#bbb 73%
#ccc 80%
#ddd 87%
#eee 93%
#fff 100%

Luminance is also a percentage; 0% is dark (black), 100% is light (white), and 50% allows for full chroma before it is made lighter or darker. The table on the right gives percentages of grey translated from hexadecimal, or base 16, with middle grey being #808080.

Connecting up the color with the degree is the least intuitive part of this more intuitive way to think about color, but it is preferred over the RGB method of specifying a color. With HSLa it is easy to increase the saturation or luminance for a particular hue, something that is not at all intuitive using RGB.


CSS3 also added the alpha property transparency, or opacity, or alpha, which can be combined with color to change RGB to RGBA and HSL to HSLA. The value range is from 0 to 1, with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque. That makes .5 half way transparent. color: hsla(0,50%,50%,.5 You can make any element transparent by using the opacity property.

To help you see the relation between the HLS and opacity, change the numbers in this demo. I’m sure you have a favorite color or color combination. Try changing some of these colors to your favorite colors:

CSS Code View

Hue is from 0 to 360°:
red=0°, orange=30°,
yellow=60°, green=120°,
cyan=180°, blue=240°,
purple=280°, magenta=300°,
pink=320°, red=360°, and so on, for the colors repeat.
Saturation is from 0% to 100%. Luminance is from 0% to 100%, with 50% being fully saturated. Transparency is from 0 to 1, with 0 being fully transparent and 1 being fully opaque.

Pick a Color: HSLa Generator

Mother-effing hsl() by Paul Irish

Border Radius

Rounded corners was one of the most requested features and was released early, as the work around was complicated and inflexible. We used to create rounded corners by placing a picture of a rounded corner in each of the four corners. No Fun!

Using only one value, every corner is rounded an equal amount. Using four values, each corner can be given its own unique border. Using eight values, or two values for each corner, its it possible to create asymmetric, or oval corners.

The individual border-radius property can accept either one or two values, expressed as a length or a percentage (percentages refer to the corresponding dimensions of the border box). The individual corner are: border-bottom-left-radius, border-bottom-right-radius, border-top-left-radius and border-top-right-radius.

When two values are defined, they determine the horizontal and vertical radii of a quarter ellipse separately, which in turn determines the curvature of the corner of the outer border edge. When only one value is supplied, the horizontal and vertical radii are the same. If either value is zero, the corner will be square, not round. It is possible to go beyond 100%, but that begins to eat into the border itself. I pushed the number to distort the border in Safari/Chrome as an example. It looks slightly different in Firefox. Play with it, and see how it works for you.

CSS Code View

Border Radius Shorthand

The border-radius shorthand property can be used to define all four corners simultaneously. If you want to define both horizontal and vertical radii separately for each corner, you can do that by first specifying the horizontal for each corner, separating them with a slash / and then specifying the vertical radii. For example: border-radius: 30px 80px 30px 80px / 80px 30px 80px 30px; Don’t forget that the shorthand code can be further compacted if the values are the same, for example: border-radius: 30px 90px / 110px;

CSS Code View

Box Shadow

Another place that CSS3 has removed the need for additional images is the drop shadow. The browser will handle multiple shadows on both the inside and the outside of the box. The property box-shadow: takes up to five values, one each for x-offset, y-offset, blur radius, spread distance and color.

By default, the value for box-shadow is none. If only one number is supplied, it determines a drop shadow with the same horizontal and vertical offset and the default color which is black. You can specify the horizontal and vertical distances separately, add an optional blur distance and a spread distance, as well as the color: box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 5px #966;.

CSS Code View

Additional shadows can be added by using a comma ,. By default, the shadows are on the outside of the box, but it’s possible to place them on the inside of the box by specifying inset. The code for the 3D looking ball then looks like this: box-shadow: 40px 40px 50px -20px #444, inset -40px -40px 50px 25px #666; .

CSS Code View

Combining All of These Techniques

CSS Code View

CSS3 HSLA, Border Radius & Glow