[Intro to Fashion Studies]LPT#1

Christopher Breward’s Aphorisms

  • Fashion can be about confirmation, of self and others. But it is also about anxiety, ambiguity and worry. As an aid to understanding psychological complexities it is unsurpassed. “

This aphorism means that people could be hiding both their physical and mental complexities with fashion, and what drives them into doing so is anxiety and worry. I agree with this aphorism because I think fashion thrives on people’s urge to seek confirmation from others. A fundamental way for people to build confidence is to own a piece of fashion item that comes with a preconception. Many consumers buy luxury brands with the expectation that it will serve as a symbol of wealth, thus emphasizing their social status.

  • “Fashion is not necessarily spectacular (though it often conforms to the theory of the society of the spectacle), it can also be demotic, ordinary, mundane, routine and humble. It is the stuff of the ethnographer and the anthropologist. “

To me this aphorism shows that most people are too constrained in their way of thinking, fashion is not only about the flamboyant, glamorous runway walks and galas. I agree because most people’s everyday wear is just plain items of clothing like hoodies and jeans.

However that doesn’t make it any less meaningful, it really shows different people’s lifestyle and living habits.For example, people with heavy labor job would wear pieces that are more functional and more active-wear rather than fashionable. For people with nine-to-five office job they would prefer formal and yet humble pieces like suit jackets and pants with sleek silhouette in order to leave a professional impression on others.



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