Visual Research

I am researching the community garden of 6th Street and Avenue B because I want to find out about the purpose of the garden in order to help my reader understand the importance of accessible public community spaces.


Clothes for a Researcher of the Divine by Tarshito

1. Through the use of a rich red, a significant color to many faiths, and ringing bells, also utilized by many faiths, this garment represents themes present in society’s ideas towards religion and higher beings.

2. The piece represents the body by taking on the slim shape of a cape, suitable for a small and frail person to wear.


Clothes for a Cloud Hunter

1. The piece reflects society’s vague feelings about the sky and space, taking on a dreamy but creepy quality like our fear of the unknown.

2. The piece represents the body shape a little grotesquely, elongating and stretching it until it reaches from the floor to the ceiling. It uses the form of a long robe with a hood.

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