Whitney Museum

When I was lounging around to look for pieces that catch my attention, this image immediately appealed me. It is a pretty well-known photo, which not only me, but also I bet every single person in the world has seen it. I was so shocked and surprised, since I would not think this iconic photograph would  be shown at the museum. First of all, it is located in a spacious, dark room. The projector projected this acclaimed graph, which consists of two monotone colors–black and white, to shows this significant event took place in July 1946. It illustrates an explosion on the ocean, Bikini atoll in the Marshall Islands. Mr. Bruce Conner shot this scary scene when the atomic bomb suddenly unleashed, and there are 23 photos in total from various angles, heights and speeds. People can easily recognize that it is a bomb explosion. Nevertheless, to me, it looks like a broccoli from different perspective. This project definitely uses sequence and it is linear, and the speed is not fast but not slow. It just repeats again and again. Mr. Conner skillfully put the explosion in the very middle of the screen. This project is totally astonishing and outstanding. Later, I went to 7th floor to find a portrait that interests me. When the elevator open, I immediately spit a huge, silver painting, which is done by renowned artist–Andy Warhol. It basically describes heroes from different stories, such as Superman, Wicked Witch and so forth. More importantly, the silver paint represents the “silver screen”. Mr. Warhol wanted to express the unreal and falseness of the truth. The experience of these two floors were totally opposite. The lower floor was a little bit more noisy, and fill of different sorts of sound. In contrast, the upper floor was really quiet, not a lot of people were talking, they are just enjoy the tranquil atmosphere. However, both of their exhibition are impressive. I really love Whitney museum.

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