Songlin Yuan

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Object as History Reflection

1) Which three cultures/objects resonated with you most, and why?  Offer 2 reasons on why you found these three objects/cultures fascinating?

The Maya civilization, Shi Tao’s Drunk in Autumn Woods, and the Okinami Wave. I found Maya culture fascinating was because when I was in elementary school, i have read The World of Unsolved Secrets and found this culture mysterious and because of the curious, I was very interested in this in the class. Shi Tao was also attracting to me because I have never seen him in any text book when I was in China and I searched this person during the class. I found funny I didn’t know him at all. I found his Drunk in Autumn Woods interesting because it gives very different feel when reading the poem in English and Chinese. I’m also fascinated by the Okinami Wave because I had no idea that famous piece can be mass-produced.

2) What themes would you have loved to explore more in depth had the course been longer, say, a two semester study?

I would like to learn more about the myth and people’s believes in different cultures. Like there was a book call Classic of Mountains and Seas, it is the collection of the description of monsters.

3) What did you learn about art history as a discipline?

It was helpful to me to learn about the history and the objects from totally different culture. I have learned a lot about Asian cultures, so everything was new to me this semester.

4) What did you learn about yourself?

This semester I was having trouble control my emotions and not in states of working, at first I was depressed and felt huge pressure from many things but I somehow finally went through with everything.

5) How would you assess yourself as a learner: where do you think you did well and what areas of improvement can you see (areas of your performance that might need a bit of practice to become part of your new you)?

I was afraid of taking history class because all of the information are in English and also a lot of worlds from different language, I think I could work on my note taking skills so that I can always study on it later.

6)  In what ways do you see yourself applying what you’ve learned to your own personal life?

I am a product design student and I think this course is helpful for me to get inspired.

7) In what ways do you see what you’ve learned to become part of your professional interests and work with us here at Parsons?

I have learned about doing researches and practice of using the information in the essay.

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