Fashion & Ethical considerations

Fashion & Ethical considerations

  1. Waste generated by overproduction. We have already have enough to edvidence to proof the disadvantage of massive production of fast fashion. The off season clothes that are unable to be sold are wastes that are hard to dispose. Since it is impossible to manipulate the way big fast fashion firms operate their own companies, the only solution we have is to promote minimalism in turns of the direction of fashion trends. Less fabric generate less waste.
  2. Religions. Models in my sketch are wearing hijabs which are headpieces wore by Muslim women. In reality, Muslim women who dare to show their skin like the models in my sketch, would be sentence to death. It’s a interesting ethical problem we should know more about. Women should have freedom to choose the way they dress and should not be labeled and judged for their clothing choices. Fashion should be a tool that can be used for something more meaningful, controversial and unprecedented.

1 Comment

  1. Tamar · April 4, 2016 Reply

    Interesting. I wanted you to focus on one issue and to approach it with 2 designs – i practical (problem solving) and one bringing awareness. It looks like you chose two different issues, which is OK, but makes the exploration less deep. I am not convinced of the second design/problem defined. I think it is more complex that what you describe. Some women prefer to wear a hijab, some don’t, for different reasons. I’m not sure how putting a Muslim woman in very short clothes solves the issue. I would like to understand your idea better.

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