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I have realized that I don’t compost often with my intake of food. Living as a student and on a budget, I usually make it my goal to finish the food on my plate, and if I don’t finish it, I put it in my refrigerator to eat later. Some of the items that I composted were lettuce and tomato leftovers from sandwiches, as well as a few pizza crusts. I did not create a big compost pile, it was rather quite small.
In my recyclables are mostly bottles and cans from drinks collected over a week period. Since I live in Kerrey Hall, I have an extensive meal plan, enough to satisfy me for the whole year, so that’s where I eat most of my food, and where I usually use my trash/recycling/compost facilities. I rarely need to go out to buy food for myself, which is why there are no recyclable food boxes.

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