Drawing/Imaging: Places and Things – Mark Making Grid and Diptych

Ahmrii Johnson

“Untitled” Diptych


Through the use of line variation and patterning I was able to communicate the idea of a mixture of emotions in one’s own mind. The feelings represented are in relation to the thought of future aspirations, and include the conflicting emotions of anticipation and doubt. As individual works and as a cohesive composition with two parts, the diptych expresses the progressive movement of an individual’s state of being. The repetitive nature of the lines, varying in density and length, creates a rhythmic pattern across the canvas. The proximity of the elements of this pattern communicates a sense of intensity, or quickness, of emotions and their progression. In addition, the layering of texture by the charcoal incorporates a highly contrasted high key value tone of the piece. This range of value also adds to the communicative tone of the work by using the juxtaposition of light and dark values as a symbolism of the contrasted emotions present in the making of this ambiguous artwork. The division of the charcoal areas, akso serve to symbolize the intertwined existence of two emotions concerning future aspirations.

Mark Making Grids

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