Bill Viola Exhibition Review

Aishwarya Singhal


April 14, 2018.



Mount Rainier



This exhibit by Bill Viola is trying to present the concept of time through the different elements present in the exhibit. An image of a mountain is being projected on the screen and on the side of the screen is a projector that is projecting the image of the mountain through its red, green and blue beams of light on the surface of water. The screen on which the mountain can be seen is suspended from the roof.


The image of the mountain moves almost making the viewer feel like he is hallucinating. It makes one question the presence of the mountain. The movement of the image plays with the shape of the mountain until the time when it does not look anything like a mountain. The artist has added an external element to this piece. The image of the mountain is projected on both the screen and on water. A person is manually moving the water after a short period of time and this movement coincides with the movement of the mountain. I believe that the artist is trying to make the image of the mountain look like water itself.


I personally really like the part when someone comes and moves the water pool. It feels as if the image on the screen and the water in the pool are moving together to create a different experience altogether.

Please find attached a video of the same.

The Mount Rainer

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