Intersectionality Map


Intersectionality is a complex concept,  as it is constantly evolving and being redefined. For myself intersectionality is the point in which many factors overlap, and conflict with one another. That being, any type of discrimination or marginalization which targets different aspects of an identity. It is essentially a term that ensures that the changing patterns of inequalities and injustices are addressed. Intersectionality can be compared with being “uncatalogued, habitual, and often routinized”

My map acts as an integration of how many different subject positions interchange with one another. Incorporated into my map, gender and sexuality are closely related.
In being female I feel that a large portion of my dress is incited by my sexuality and desire to be more feminine. I am very aware of this factor, specifically when I am around other women who dress to accentuate their figure. Susan B. Kaiser compares “agency and structure; and dressing to belong and dressing to differentiate”. This is similar to how I feel about dressing in a feminine way. In many ways it is conforming and yet it is also a way for me to differentiate myself  from those who dress to accentuate their features. This has always been something which I tend to stray away from as I prefer to let the focus be on the garments which I am wearing. However this is a large portion of where my inspritaion for design comes from. I awknowledge that being feminine is a huge part of my identity and that this connection helps me to better be inspired to dress in a way that reflects my personality. A large portion of my practice of dress is also determined by my community and place. Specifically if I am travelling this is when I tend to dress most authentically. When having only a few choices for my wardrobe, this is when I feel most inspired and excited to create combinations. This form of simplicity also leads to my subject position of niche. Niche refers to a comfortable position in one’s life and for myself this stems from owning very minimalist pieces. Garments which are free from major branding or harsh colours. I dress very muted not because I don’t prefer brighter colours, it is because for me it is uncomplicated. Simplicity is something which I try to emulate in not only my way of dress but in my way of life. With less material items we are able to concentrate on the things which matter most to us. However the way in which ethnicity relates to my style of dress can be a little different. Ethnicity is always something which I largely embody through my styling. Although I was born in Canada I seem to always gravitate toward a more french styling techniques. Specifically with gold accents, more tailored garments, and a more traditional way of dress. I seem to embody this as I have always loved the aesthetic of the french and the culture surrounding their way of dress, with colour pairing, styling, and comfortability. 

Overall my intersectionality in dressing as well as in my identity, is a complex web of concepts that form my individuality. Conducting this web allows for a deeper look into my inspiration as well as my way of styling in which emulates my personal identity. 

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