Bridge 1, Part 2

Bridge 1, Part 2:


“What if” questions by Emilee Luther:


  • What if you displayed an environment as a performance piece in a specific location?

  • What if you collected items from certain communities and environments and displayed then together?


  • What if there was a diptych of two drastically different looking environments?

  • What if you show environment through the destruction or deterioration of our planet?


  • what if you did research behind manufacture companies that’s pollute the earth as context for environment?

  • What if you added in information about diverse environments and urban planning?

  • How does NYC add to the problem or solution of pollution?

The content of this artwork is two of the cities that I have been a resident of. The signifiers are a few including the: Galata Tower (Icon, Index), World Trade Center (Icon, Index). Those two signifiers were my main emphasis because they are both original to their own environment. This artwork could be featured in a travel advertisement due to its diptych-like structure where both cities are intertwined to look like one. What I learned from this project was to combine suggestions with my own thoughts and reality. The questions proposed were really thought-provoking and I had to clinch on to the ideas or concepts that related to me but that were also a new field that I had not stepped into yet. The medium was supportive of my content because I had a lot of tools to work with. On the other hand it was not supportive in terms of content because I did not have much space to work with.



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