Amelie Martinez Castillo

Proyecto 1 – Autoretratos

Creación de autoretratos en distintos multiversos.

“No hay razón para creer que nuestro universo es único. Es muy posible que así como se creó nuestro Universo, también se crearon muchos universos”, dice al abordar el primer misterio.

“Si ese es el caso, entonces vivimos, no en un solo universo, sino en una vasta colección de universos a los que los físicos se refieren como el multiverso”.


Proceso visual



No suelo pensar sobre mí. En este proyecto tuve la oportunidad de realizar una introspección y encontrar el núcleo que me hace lo que soy. Yo me defino en relación a otras personas. Reflejar el amor que puedo dar y su permanencia en distintos multiversos, fue un ejercicio que me abrió a la idea de autoexplorarme más.


Proyecto 2 – Uniendo multiversos

¿Cómo podría contener mi cerebro las imágenes, si él es una entre las demás? Las imágenes exteriores actúan sobre mí, me transmiten movimiento, y yo restituyo movimiento:

¿cómo estarían las imágenes en mi conciencia si yo mismo soy imagen, es decir, movimiento? Y, en este nivel,¿es que puedo tan siquiera hablar de mí, de ojo, de cerebro, de cuerpo?




Historia manual

Historia transferida digitalmente

They wandered as usual. Not seeing anything, because to see would be to give in to insanity. The glasses they had adhered to their skin protected them, and in this world where you walk alone having something (even by default) meant everything. 

Every step was heavy, with every step something shifted in space and time. Sometimes, the shifts were as harmless as walking on stone and suddenly being in sand. Sometimes, you found yourself stepping into a volcano. Death was not a release that came easy, Time decided when. Time going through your skin could feel excruciating, as it could also feel exhilarating, Time decided which. 

With the next step, they started falling from the sky and thought how merciful it would be if Time decided it was time. Drowning in their own melancholy, they forgot Time though unpredictable and erratic was not O without purpose. Time would destroy your glasses if you let your guard down. They fell glasses first into an upright kitchen knife, the knife broke but not before successfully shattering part of the lens. 

They saw, they instantly covered their eyes but they couldn’t take back that they saw. 

They saw fishes traveling in pairs, leaves rustling up against each other, brains of people who loved each other preserved, forever alive and next to each other. They had never seen those things and yet they recognized them. They couldn’t explain it but they knew they saw versions of themselves. They weren’t lonely in those universes. 

They had stopped yearning  for a companion long ago, but a glimpse was enough. Enough to desire once more. Was Time really a foe? They wanted to see, no matter the consequences. So they ripped their glasses off and with it some flesh. And they saw. 

ChatGPT Polishing and Amplification 

In the vast expanse of their desolate journey, they traversed, their steps heavy, burdened not only by the weight of existence but also by the ever-shifting fabric of reality. To see was to risk succumbing to madness, yet the glasses fused to their skin offered a fragile shield against the chaos that engulfed them. In this world where solitude was the norm, possessing even the simplest of things held immeasurable significance.

Each step they took caused ripples in space and time, thrusting them into disparate landscapes with the capriciousness of a sorcerer’s whim. A stroll upon solid ground could swiftly transmute into a plunge into molten fury. Death, elusive and arbitrary, danced at Time’s whim, for it decided the manner and moment of one’s demise. The passage of Time, a palpable force, could either caress with euphoria or rend with agony, its intentions inscrutable.

As they plummeted from the heavens, engulfed in a silent plea for respite, they pondered the mercy of Time’s embrace, yearning for release from their melancholic descent. Oblivious to the purpose that underpinned Time’s chaos, they allowed their guard to waver, a fatal error. The fateful collision with an upright kitchen knife shattered their protective lenses, unleashing a revelation they could not undo.

In that fleeting moment of clarity, they beheld wonders unseen: pairs of fish gliding in harmony, leaves whispering secrets in the breeze, and the eternal embrace of lovers’ minds entwined in perpetuity. Though unfamiliar, these visions stirred recognition deep within their soul, offering solace in the midst of desolation. No longer did they languish in solitude, for in those alternate realities, they found kinship.

Long had they resigned themselves to solitude, yet a glimpse of companionship reignited their dormant desires. Was Time truly their adversary? With newfound resolve, they cast aside their shackles, tearing the glasses from their flesh with reckless abandon, sacrificing flesh for clarity. And in that moment of defiance, they beheld the truth, unfiltered by illusion or protection. They saw.



In the vast expanse of their desolate journey, they wandered, their steps heavy, burdened not only by the weight of existence but also by the ever-shifting fabric of reality. To  see was to risk succumbing to madness, the glasses fused to their skin offered a shield against the chaos that engulfed them. In this world where solitude was the norm, they found solace in possession. 

Each step they took caused ripples in space and time, thrusting them into disparate landscapes with no set pattern. Walking  upon solid ground could swiftly transmute into a plunge into molten fury. Death, elusive and arbitrary, danced at Time’s whim, for it decided the manner and moment of one’s demise. The passage of Time, a palpable force, could either feel exhilarating or excruciating.  

As they plummeted from the heavens, swallowed in an ocean of melancholy, they wished for  the mercy of Time’s embrace, for release from their never ending game. They allowed their guard to waver, Time though unpredictable and erratic was not without purpose. They collided lensfirst with a sharp upright stone which successfully shattered it. 

They saw, they instantly covered their eyes but they couldn’t take back that they saw. 

In that fleeting moment of clarity, they beheld wonders unseen: pairs of fish gliding in harmony, leaves whispering secrets in the breeze, and the eternal embrace of lovers’ minds entwined in perpetuity. They had never seen those things and yet they recognized them deep within their soul. No longer did they languish in solitude, for in those alternate realities, they found kinship.

Long had they resigned themselves to solitude, yet a glimpse of companionship reignited their dormant desires. Was Time truly their foe? With newfound resolve, they ripped their glasses off and with it some flesh. 

They saw.

Tomar oraciones claves y utilizando la teoría de Sander Pierce y Deleuze enmarcar la imagen para resaltar su función.

In the vast expanse of their desolate journey, they wandered, their steps heavy, burdened not only by the weight of existence but also by the ever-shifting fabric of reality. To see was to risk succumbing to madness, the glasses fused to their skin offered a shield against the chaos that engulfed them. In this world where solitude was the norm, they found solace in possession. 

Enmarcado en terceridad, la función es darle contexto al receptor del universo en el que se encuentra el personaje principal. El universo es vasto y solitario, podría usar el colores azul para representar la depresión del personaje y usar acentos rojos para representar la pasión y anhelo que se encuentran buried en el personaje (o mezclar rojo en todo color que utilice para que el rojo esté de manera subliminal) Acción.

Each step they took caused ripples in space and time, thrusting them into disparate landscapes with no set pattern. Walking  upon solid ground could swiftly transmute into a plunge into molten fury. Death, elusive and arbitrary-, danced at Time’s whim, for it decided the manner and moment of one’s demise. The passage of Time, a palpable force, could either feel exhilarating or excruciating.  

Enmarcado en segundidad, utilizar una imagen fragmentada en la que el receptor pueda percibir lo que sucede en este universo. Perceptivo.

As they plummeted from the heavens, swallowed in an ocean of melancholy, they wished for  the mercy of Time’s embrace, for release from their never ending game. 

They allowed their guard to waver, Time though unpredictable and erratic was not without purpose. They collided lens first with a sharp upright stone which successfully shattered it. 

Enmarcado en primeridad, función es transmitir el impacto y texturas rugosas. Afectiva.

They saw, they instantly covered their eyes but they couldn’t take back that they saw. 

Enmarcado en primeridad, primer plano. Usar más rojo para reflejar que sus anhelos fueron reignited.  Afectiva.

In that fleeting moment of clarity, they beheld wonders unseen: pairs of fish gliding in harmony, leaves whispering secrets in the breeze, and the eternal embrace of lovers’ minds entwined in perpetuity. They had never seen those things and yet they recognized them deep within their soul. No longer did they languish in solitude, for in those alternate realities, they found kinship.

Enmarcado en primeridad, haciendo foco en texturas sentimientos todo paso al mismo tiempo vio diversos universos al mismo tiempo. Finalmente usar muchos colores. Afectiva.

Long had they resigned themselves to solitude, yet a glimpse of companionship reignited their dormant desires. Was Time truly their foe? With newfound resolve, they ripped their glasses off and with it some flesh. 

They saw.


Proceso visual



En este segundo proyecto, disfruté mucho conectando los distintos universos y creando una nueva historia a partir de estos. La teoría de Sander Pierce y Deleuze fue un método de planificación nuevo para mí que definitivamente utilizare en mis siguientes proyectos. El tener el enmarcado escrito y pasarlo visualmente, revisando si funciona o no, redujo tremendamente la etapa del proceso que suelo tener en la que no se como empezar. 

Proyecto 3



En un universo solitario y frío, una chica es observada y monitoreada por un ente que desata en ella el caos y sus sentimientos mas oscuros. Lo unico que apacigua el caos, es la musica, que silencia sus demonios. Cuando la música cesa, nuevas combinaciones en su historia dan lugar a más perdición y a visitas de su subconsciente, porque quien tiene el control de su vida es una versión de ella misma en otro universo.



Trabajar en grupo me cuesta. Prefiero trabajar sola, que nadie dependa de mí y yo no depender de nadie. Sin embargo, escuchar diversas ideas, gracias al contexto de cada persona, fue sumamente interesante. Como cinco personas procesamos una misma información me pareció curioso. En un futuro me gustaría ser más contundente al expresar mis ideas y opiniones. Este proyecto final recalcó la importancia de tener una historia sólida y buena planificación concerniente a las teorías Sander Pierce y Deleuze.

Un proceso difuso lleva a un resultado difuso.


Video de sketchbook




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