Project 1
Final Results:
I made sketches based off of the 3 topics I chose in the assignment “Quien Soy?”, those being “empathetic”, “sensitive”, and “reserved”. As seen in “Final Results”, the first one represents “sensitive” in a more literal sense. This image takes place in a world where everyone was recently turned into vampires, and everyone is still getting used to their new body/adapting and figuring out how to make the world more vampire friendly. I’m the vampire girl sitting at the doctors office. For this one, you can see that she has an injury on her hand, which is from the sun. The doctor is applying sunscreen instead of what we would normally use for burns like this since vampires bodies work differently.
The second one we see is for “reserved”. This image takes place in a world of soap/bubble people. Its a very safe and put together society. A big reason why they have advanced so much is due to bubble powers, which is used for communication, lifting objects, transportation, etc. Here, we see me as a bubble person. She is heading somewhere as they’re in a blank space used for transportation. She likes being in her bubble a lot as seen by all the bubbles she has inside. Meanwhile, you see other characters who don’t seem to spend as much time in their bubble and are possibly going to a social event due to them being in the same bubble.
The last image is for the word “empathetic”. Here we can see two ice cream characters crying and hugging each other, melting into each other a bit. I had the idea of one character feeling the others feelings, so much so that its like they’re connected, hence them melting into each other. In this world there is a big variety in the types of candy people, and many of them have abilities. Ice cream people can connect to each other and share memories, emotions, or thoughts through touch.
Project 2
Final Results:
This is the storyboard I did based off of the vampire infection story I described previously. The first panel shows the vampire awakening, the second is the infection taking over, the third is my character getting bitten. The fourth shows my characters teeth having grown into fangs, and the last panel is the new world, meant to feel unsettling.
Project 3
My Role in the Video:
I was the eye model for the introduction, and animated the fight scene between the two blobs meant to represent Creae’s knight Kintsugins (black) versus Triada (white).
Overall Reflection of Tiempo
I feel like I’ve learned a lot throughout this week. I improved on my storytelling skills through our first project and on how to come up with ideas more efficiently. Teamwork was also something I learned more on, having to work with people I don’t know well and create things in a short time. I had to work on time management since we didn’t have a lot of time to meet our deadlines and plan my day efficiently to get the most work done. I learned about storyboarding, foreground/background, primeridad, secundidad, and tercereridad, and on figuring out what are the most key elements in a scene or story. I got to practice my animation skills in the film my group made, improving on making liquid, quick and piercing movements. This also taught me about how to make objects interact with one another in an animation.
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