Milysent Enith Alvarez Lopez

Project 3 – Final Video and Audio


(please mute video for no audio version to save up on resources)


Project 3 – Process


Project 3 – Reflection

This project was ambitious, tiresome, and made my cold worse, but a good chance to experiment with doing stop motion based on my drawings. I think it actually turned out good enough where I would publish it on my personal personal page (and I might). It gave me an opportunity to work with new people and figure out our dynamics to make as much as possible in as little time as we had. I got to take on more of a leadership role, which was new for me, yet very enriching. Despite waking up with a KILLER backache, I feel more inclined to try stop motion again in the future.

Project 2 – Pre-Revisions Final

Project 2 – Process

Project 2 – Reflection

Project 2 was okay. I had fun writing and trying to incorporate real occurrences and fictitious elements into a story. I didn’t quite care for the ChatGPT part as it kept spewing nonsense or things that just didn’t quite fit the story, I felt like it was a bit of a waste of time. Story-boarding was pretty quick since I had a pretty concrete idea of what I wanted it to look like from the jump, even before I had put the story down on paper.

Project 1 – Pre-Revisions Final

Project 1 – Process


Project 1 – Reflection

Project 1 was definitely the most tedious. It felt like I was constantly being fed information that, although it didn’t contradict itself, made it difficult to create something good that fell into all the guidelines. Even after asking a million questions, it seems like I (and everyone else i got to converse with) was utterly lost and we ended up making things that didn’t quite tick all the boxes. It was very frustrating since I felt like the information wasn’t as well structured as the following 2 projects. I was so stressed that I forgot to take a picture of my line-work, which I utterly regret as the colors kinda ruined the per-revisions final for me. Will re-draw it altogether since I’m not quite satisfied with it.

Sketchbook Run-through

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