Asking Multiple Questions

The relationship with my cousin as same as a weird relationship like Fleur Jaeggy wrote. When we were young around study in elementary school. I’m older than him; two years. We play all the time due to I was coming to the United State as a new immigrant. My aunt brought us went to many places to play or visit. However, these childhood memories are passed. We both are growing up. We didn’t like to talk about each, because we both have a little secret in our mind. We feel different between our social group. For example, I like to play with native Chinese people, and he likes to play with his friend from his class. In addition, we only meet in family dinner time or some of the holiday event. The rest of the time, we didn’t meet each other. Moreover, I like to hand out with my friend or go outside to visit or play; my cousin, he likes to stay home play with his video game and contact with his friend play same friend. Therefore, as we grow up. Our personality was changed and behavior.

When my cousin going to high school as a freshman. Every time in our communication I always ask him a question that makes him feel awake. Such as I was asking him Do you have some of closer relationship with others? Yes, my friend, he answered. I mean heterosexual. Yeah. How about do you have someone that you likes? No. This kind of question reply all the time when I talk to him. Moreover, I also like to ask him about his grade in school, because I know some of the teacher that teaches him and his grade isn’t great. The teacher wants me to catch up on his work. because it will affect his final GPA in high school. It makes me feel I’m a spy that looking at him to everything when he needs to do.

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