Aesthetic of Interior Week5

(The World of Renzo Mongiardino,Romolo Paganelli/Renzo Mongiardino archive/Photo: Massimo Listri)

The texture on the wall is felt lush romanticism and arcane classical reference to the artificial effects.  Space shows the luxury and fashionable due to the furniture without being enslaved by them or their original setting which weeping with emotion into this space. In addition, the style of this space which to recognize that we can love objects without being enslaved by them or their original setting. In the moment of these interiors, it starting to feel “the corrosive breath of melancholy” (Umberto Pasti) which illustration the background or historical from this space of the glamorous room. The proportional room consisting of a whole piece of fabric, a shocking light floral wall with multiple paintings and plump velvet seats. It requires political and Literary exchanges that have filled the atmosphere for decades. As well as giving this space a different feeling of personal illusion, seriousness, or drama.



  1. why glass as the material can be transportable building? any other material that can be transported?
  2. How does the new idea inspire the architect? (by the environment, political or ect.)


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