Rep + Analysis

Final proposed plans for Flux Pavilion:     In this course, we started exploring different iconic houses, where I was assigned the Chemosphere House by John Lautner. The first step was to hand draft the house[…]

Studio 1 Material Research

This assignment was to research and explore 2 materials of our choice; one malleable material and a hard material. The exploration was to be made without the use of adhesive materials like tape or glue.  The[…]

Model Making

There is something soothing about building models, and great satisfaction in completing one. Here are some samples of different models I have done in the past.   Below is a structural wood model of a[…]

Container House Study

For this assignment, the students were required to create 3 perspective drawings of houses built with 3 or 4 containers. This assignment really open my eyes to the opportunity of using reclaimed resources and how[…]

Miscellaneous Drawings & Sketches

Here are a couple of different drawings and sketches that I’ve done in the course of time attempting different drawing methods. These were made with graphite:   This was made using a tree branch and ink:[…]

Charcoal Drawings

In the winter of 2014/2015, I started to draw with charcoal. I found the medium a lot of fun but very messy and time consuming. There is a very wide range of shades that one[…]