Continuing with Constellations

I was really stressed about this project because perspective drawing isn’t a strength for me and I really wanted find a unique way to work between digital and analog media. I got so wrapped up in trying to make something really special and different (with no idea regarding how I personally could do so within my time constraint, budget and skillset) that I ended up making nothing at all originally. A night or two before the project was due, I was laying on my porch and I saw a few stars (which is special in a city with streetlights and what not). The view convinced me to let go of my desire to make something earth-shatteringly innovative. The perspective was simple enough for me to draw, so I wouldn’t paralyze myself with stress over it, and it was pleasing to my eye. So, I drew the perspective of my porch roof above me, layered pen over certain parts to establish line hierarchy and scanned the outline into Illustrator, where I used the trace tool to make it look more digital.

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From there I added the trees in Illustrator and color in Photoshop. All that was left to do was incorporate some symbols I had designed for a previous assignment. I placed them on a new layer and drew stars along their contours so that they became constellations. I also included some of the symbols I made that didn’t meet criteria of the assignment for which they were originally made.


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