
This group project was one about finding scraps and working with what materials we had. I found a box of paint mixing sticks that a company was throwing away. We were playing around with ideas a while before we played with the materials. Then finally, I was playing and found that we can weave them together. So we got them together and started to come up with a solution to the issues of back pain from long studio hours on stools. We wove together a wooden seat back and tied it with string and added hinges so it opens and closes. We also presented it so the buyer would be able to pick a natural dye. We offered it dyed in turmeric, coffer, raspberry, and spinach. The idea was that we would keep it eco friendly for students. I have to admit, it was pretty well done for the circumstances. We had a working prototype. My ad was also inspired by the evolution of man and the back pain a student might experience. This is my unedited version of my ad because I felt it looked better than the edited version.



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