Bridge 3 – Forgeries
For this project, we had to visit art shows and choose our favorite artist. In groups, we created a fake identity for the artist, several artworks in the fake artist’s style, a completely different life and persona.
We created an artist biography, press release and list of artworks.
The division of labor was effective as each of us took control of one document. I completed the artist biography and my partners each completed their own document as I did to make a total of one artist biography, a list of artworks and a press release. I believe this was a fair division of labor as we each had to write the same amount of words and similar content. However, we edited the pieces as a whole group.
I believe that it may have been more effective if we communicated in person more often apart from in class to complete the project. This made it hard to assign each person with an equal amount of work and took an inefficient amount of time to complete the drafts, however, what worked well was that using google documents as a method of communication meant that we could edit together in real time.
In future team-based projects, I would make group meeting times outside of class to ensure we met and conferred in person as this would ensure we did not make mistakes due to miscommunications over text.

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