
Inspiration for infographic prject, taken from the web:


Color palette inspiration: I found this zine that had green as its’ primary color and red as secondary. While green is the color recognised with the Israeli military, red has a somewhat frightening, powerful effect that goes well with the way soldiers feel about the army. Adding transparency to the red creates a faded pink tone which adds to the weird, nauseating vibe I wanted to create


After researching Rabin military camp online and discussing my army experience with other Israeli friends, I decided to make my infographic about ways to get OUT of the camp, since that was our main goal, most of the time. There is a common saying in the army, usually used by officers and commanders, “You may leave the camp only on a stretcher,” meaning that the only way to go home is if you got sick or injured. Faking injuries and illnesses in creative ways is popular conversation topic among soldiers, and some “ambitious” ones would actually jeopardise their health only for the sake of leaving camp for a day or two. In my project, I attempted to visualise this funny, yet bad habit in a way that will be clear for soldiers as well as for anybody else.

Reference- Rabin military camp, Tel-Aviv, Israel:




Type Study:type-study-01





A doctor handing out Gimels [hebrew term for sick-leave]


Illustrated soldier


Final icons for the infographic:


Final infographic:final-inphographic-01

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