Integrated Design Studio: Community share

Rubber hose animation


The rubber hose and circle design, was initially made to make the job of animators easier, and faster. Bendy, “Spaghetti limbs” instead of realistic details = Round edge instead of an angle.

No elbows and knees > Simpler.

if you didn’t draw joints, you could make absolutely sure that the limbs in one frame overlapped with where the limbs were in the last frame.

“Mickey had to be simple. We had to push out seven hundred feet of film every two weeks. His head was a circle with an oblong circle for a snout. The ears were also circles so they could be drawn the same, no matter how he turned his head. his body was like a pear, and he had a long tail. His legs were pipestems, and we stuck them in large shoes to give him the look of a kid wearing his father’s shoes.” Walt Disney


# Inkblot Cartoon Style: Surrealist, white gloves, dancing all the time, four fingers, black, white and grey, silent…

# Accidental Nightmare Fuel: things in media that scare people even though they were never meant to.


Character examples:

  • Olive Oyl
  • Mickey Mouse
  • Betty Boop
  • Felix the cat
  • Adult film, power-puff girls,

Video examples: 

Modern examples:


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