Andy Warhol Factory Map (Draft)

Script notes:

  • The listener is getting the perspective of a young man who is going to work for Andy Warhol at The Factory and it is his first day. This narrative takes place in the 1960s.
  • Essentially, the listener is the young man walking to work, and the voice they are hearing is suppose to be inside of their head (the young man is thinking these thoughts to himself that the listener is hearing).
  • Starts with him getting off the subway at Union, then he walks through the park to work.
  • Through the walk, the man discusses how nervous he is and mentions all of the popular works of art that Andy has created in the Factory and how much it means to him.
  • For the various environmental sounds: I would like to try and find car noises (horns, engines, etc.) from 1960s era of vehicles. The main challenge will be recording audio that doesn’t break the illusion that the listener is in the 1960s. For example, not getting modern day car horns, phones ringing, etc.

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