Wire Hand Sculpture

For my wire sculpture, I decided to have my hand hold an original Nintendo controller from 1985. This controller represents my passions and represents a part of who I am. While creating this sculpture, I quickly realized that the controller itself was going to be too heavy for the wire itself to be able to hold. To fix this, I had to take apart the controller and take out the interval parts so that it would be light enough for the wire to hold. The biggest difficulty I encountered while creating this piece was making the hand itself look three-dimensional while also being able to firmly grip the controller. The final aspect of this piece that I love the most is how the wire wraps around the wrist portion of the hand itself. I decided that I didn’t want to mount the hand, instead I chose to use the object itself to keep the hand standing (using the controller’s cord to support the hand). More importantly, the cord wrapped around the hand represents how immersive video games are too me and how they have the ability to wrap you up within them and don’t let go.

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