Trinket: Reflection

William Pope. L is the artist behind the installation Trinket that challenges the symbolism of the American flag and how it represents our country. It addresses the relationship of race and the media. Pope created a massive replica of the American flag which is an iconic symbol for the national identity of the U.S. Rather than portraying the flag as a two dimensional art piece as it is often shown, he chose to create this flag on a massive scale, over extenuating its majestic nature with its excess of material and heaviness. As the flag hangs in the middle of a darkened, utilitarian room, it is blown by four large, industrial fans that are used on movie sets, while also being lit from below by several theatrical lights. As the flag blows it begins to fray at the ends. Pope has also strategically placed one extra star on the flag apart from the known fifty. An African American himself, Pope alludes to the role the media has in depicting the United States, and how it is portrayed as a land of opportunity where everyone is equal. America seems a utopia: picture perfect. The flag is a majestic symbol among many that stands for everything good. What Pope tries to illuminate is beneath the surface, beyond what the media chooses to tell us, there is great injustice taking place, specifically towards the black community. The perfect portrayal is set up by expanding the flag’s size to show its intimidating allure, extenuating its grandeur by positioning huge stage fans and lights to give it a sense of distinct greatness that the media has painted America in. The dramatic wind creates the frays in the flag to show the inequality and flawed nature of our country, and the utopia that the flag stands for.

In our rendition of William Pope L.’s Trinket, our group was intrigued by the idea of perfection, and revealing what truly lies beyond that depiction. We created a prototype for a book, which acts as more of a pamphlet, where the cover has a wash of blue watercolor with a cut-out in the middle in the shape of a star. The star acts as a small peephole into the content of the book. When only looking at the cover through the star the viewer can see an abstract floral image and hints at the potential beauty that lies within. However, when opened up, the viewer is able to see the full image. The floral painting was made to be seen only through the star while the rest of the page is a map of America with a mixed media wash (watercolor, pen, and acrylic) going from pink to red to black. It is not particularly beautiful, as it supposed to symbolize the flaws and injustices, African Americans face, through the gruesome details such as the hair around the map and the rough aspects of the entire content. Just as the cutout on the cover page reveals a small portion of a beautiful image we assume makes up the inside page, we only see a small portion of what’s taking place in America.

William Pope.L is an African American artist that bases his work on the detrimental experiences Black people face in The United States. This piece serves as a commentary on a nation that was built on unjust laws ans racism inhibited society for way too long. the piece is the glorious American flag being idolized by movie set light and blown by an industrial fan, reflecting the media and their coverage of racil problems. On top of that, a very important detail is that with the whipping of the flag, because of the air, it starts ripping apart at the end of the flag demonstrates the idea that America was built to fall apart.



In groups, we started research in class and we were bale to find all the information about our piece easily and we explained anything if we were confused making everything go smoothly. We had many ideas of what to make for our piece, we al pitched in ideas, and collectively were able to decide on one and elaborate more on it. with that being said, my experience with my group was very good, we dived the work evenly and we did things we would excel at and helped eachtother too, with ideas and suggestions. I have never heard of William Pope.L but  I i thout hs work was interesting, esp3cially his performance piece where he crawled through New York, but also the detail in Trinket, from the extra star, the lights and the fan giving way more meaning to the piece. I think our prototype was successful because we delivered the idea of America is a pretty nation on the surface; but under that, lays a horrible history and a number of flaws we still have till this day. Lastly, with th critques about certain details and stuff of our piece, I agree woth them and i think they were all very much valid, and we would defenetinely have these into account if we worked on it even m0re.

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