Studio Bridge 3: Material Exploration Reflection


For Bridge 3 decided to choose an object I use everyday and that is convenient in my life, my phone case. My phone case has a small pocket where i keep my ID and my debit card which I use regularly and dont have worry about losing my wallet if i have to take it out so much. For the material explorations, I decided to make different versions of a bag to carry my phone in. In order to do these items, I used an old shirt, thread, wire, push pins, and a paper bag. the first item is a small pouch made out of fabric from an old shirt with a small detail of red thread on the edge of the closing flap. the second bag is a bigger bag, size of a small purse, with pushpins connected by black wire pointing outward staying in shape only with wire. and the last one is, between the sizes of the bags mentioned above, a small cluth made out of a trader joes bag. All the pieces are able to carry my phone, just like my case carries my cards.

Overall, in my explorations, I realized that these pieces serve the contrary to what my case serves, convenience. the pieces I made are not reliable or they are too fragile to serve its true purpose, which I though was a important contrast between the purpose on the original object. (but they still work a little bit) the making of the fabric and paper bag piece was not a hard or painful as the push pin bag, because of how tedious the work of wrapping many push pins with wire was. things i would do different are make all faces of the push pin bag also out of push pins, make the fabric bagwith better materials, and used a more sturdy material for the paper clutch just to make it less fagile. And since i was absent last class for the critique, I am looking forward to hear the feedback from my class mates.


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