Face Mask #3


For the Final Mask I decided to use nature since it was a recurring theme with my other two masks. I used roots to interpret growth and flowers as I had incorporated them in my mood board. I also used images of things that I believe represent objects that are appealing to me, and that I can identify with. My mask is essentially a representation of what I see myself as. One side of my face was made very dark and hidden to represent the things abut me that I have a hard time accepting for people to see, including a dark past and the fact that I do indeed have negative aspects about myself. On the other half of my face I used roots to represent my morals and the way I am grounded to the earth, as well as dry pressed flowers because they are very fragile and signify age and beauty. The techniques I used throughout my process included using opacity to blend the images of flowers into my face, as well as the lasso tool, contrast and cropping.

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