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Studio : Visual Culture


For this assignment, students were asked to compose a ‘how to’ book on a skill they previously knew and share their craft with a small group. The skill I chose was cross stitching and I constructed 6 easy steps on the beginnings of cross stitching. I bought muslin, hoops, thread, and needles for my group and taught them step by step on how to needle point. The feedback was entirely positive. My group seemed to enjoy the process and I helped them along the way as they encountered questions and small minute problems. I even taught members from other groups who were interested in learning. Similarly, the skills that were taught to me by the rest of my group proved useful and I have found myself using them to this day. Alyrianna taught us how to photoshop skin (something useful as I am a photo major), Matilde taught us how to professionally turn our drawings into digital sketches, and Siddhi demonstrated faux calligraphy. All of these skills still prove useful.


7 Days of Journals

For the past week, I was asked to create two collections based around their respective rule. I decided to challenge myself by choosing topics and mediums that I don’t particularly favor. My first collection was drawing parts of my face using only ballpoint pen (a medium I terribly despise.) This was a response to my seminar assignment which was to describe what part of me someone who is drawing me would focus on. Because of this, I chose to draw mostly my eyes. Next, also in response to seminar, I drew different female body parts on top of old book pages using charcoal. This taught me the way sin which I must be gentle with art as to not rip the paper. As a jumping point of my two collections I was asked to study the works of Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci in order to study their hand study drawings.









Pablo Picasso Research

Pablop Picasso: 1881-1973

  • From Malaga, Spain. He lived most of his life in France
  • Picasso had learned to paint from his father who was an art teacher
  • he had a “blue period” where he liked to paint with mostly blue and green
  • he used blue as a way of grieving after the passing of his friend
  • Rose period- painted mostly with pink, red, and orange
  • Painted clowns and Harlequins because he loved the circus
  • African period influenced by the style of African masks
  • Cubism period- irregular geometric shapes. He created this cubism styles as a way to create something new and different
  • His first word was pencil
  • he completed his first painting at the age of 9
  • he started to gain fame when he was 21 years old
  • he has around 1,100 stolen paintings
  • he used his paintings as firewood when he was very poor and living in France


Weekly Color Journals


Imagined Room

For this assignment, I reimagined the lower level room to be more open and usable. The room as of now is bland and simple, despite being underneath Glenn Ligons For Comrades and Lovers. I envisioned a coffee bar with more comfortable seating to attract more traffic.


Artist Trap Mood Board






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