Sustainable Systems: Field Trip to Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space

 My Reflection

When I first heard the name “Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space”, I didn’t really know what to expect. I didn’t really understand what it was supposed to mean. However, once I reached the museum, it all made sense. Needless to say, I was intrigued. The whole concept of the museum intrigued me. Just the fact it existed. The history was jarring and I felt like I learned something important about New York and what it once was. I really appreciated the way the museum retaliated against the discrimination and gentrification they were experiencing. The gardens were beautiful, even though it was winter and covered in snow. It felt very homey and I could feel the collaborative nature of the gardens. This was made by a community for a community. I wish to see it all again when spring comes along. The information they have covered the walls with are grab your attention thanks to all the pop culture references and art accompanying it. The movie was very informative and showed me the type of causes the museum and its community stranded for. It was cool to hear that they’ve been getting attention internationally and they don’t only focus on New York. This was a fascinating trip for sure.

Some Photos

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