LP Journal Entry : “Observation” – Week 3

I observe people a lot in my everyday life. More than I’d like to admit. I’ll observe how they act around certain people, how they behave in certain environments, how their pitch changes with each person they talk to, if they’re eyes shift, if they move around a lot or like to sit still. Human behavior is an interesting topic to me because I find that it shows a lot about a person. I like to see if they have any tics, whether it be from nerves or just from sheer habit. For example, my roommate twirls her hair with her finger when she’s concentrated while my other roommate walks around the room to concentrate. These actions aren’t particularly unique to them but I’ll always associate them with them. Of course, I don’t only enjoy observing others but I also like to observe myself. I like to see if people make me shifty, if I become rigid around them or if I act like I don’t have a care in the world. I like to analyze the timber of my voice if I speak loud or quiet, in long sentences or in short, perhaps I’m overexplaining or stumbling on my words. Each of these actions are related to my mental state and the emotions I’m feeling at that moment and it’s nice to what emotion triggers what behavior. I often use this mentality when I’m observing others too. I use my experiences to understand why others might be doing certain things and try to put myself in their shoes. I always acknowledge that I don’t actually know what’s going on in their heads but it’s a good exercise nonetheless.

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