
For this project, we had to create an art piece based on a frame we chose. My partner and I decided to choose this screen grab from the movie clockwork orange:

Image result for orange clockwork cat scene

Description of this frame:

I see paintings on the wall of naked women in distorted poses, the room looks rather vintage and ‘cat lady’ like. The redhead woman in the middle of the frame is lying down and you can’t see her face, just her body in an awkward position. She’s (or he) is wearing a green playsuit. I see 10 cats in total (or more), 5 of which are white cats. They are all laying down around the apartment, perfectly mimicking the paintings on the wall. On the left, there’s a white marble fireplace and the floor is an intricate red carpet. My first impression of this picture is that it seems sexual and vulgar but the more I look at the picture, it becomes more questionable: is that a man or a woman? Are the cats suppose to represent something like femininity? Why are they in that pose? Etc.

The colour scheme is very bland, it’s all dull and neutral – Even though there are a lot of colours like the paintings and the carpet against the ceiling. It simply looks tacky. As for the camera angle, I think it is very powerful because she is placed at the very centre (usually people would be placed on the left or right for the effect). That cats are oddly scattered around the area and some cats are sitting in such a weird position, you really can’t tell if they’re cats.

Overall I see a rather old cat lady in her apartment trying to exercise to get fit. She seems to be wearing tight clothes for a workout because that’s what they would wear in the 70s

From this, we discussed different ideas and artists we could be inspired by. Egon Schiele came to our mind as the lady in the picture seems to be distorted (doing a yoga pose). Another artist we talked about was Jackson Pollock, his paintings are quite abstract and distorted as well.

Our Project:

We decided to create a Jackson Pollock piece but instead of abstract lines and colours, my partner will lie down in a distorted position. I will then use a marker to outline her body onto the canvas. After every 10 minutes, I outline her again and again, this is to capture any movements she has made within that time – because she was in a distorted position, it was hard to hold it for long:

Final result:

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