AR Face Mask

Final Filter PNG

Final Filter PNG

The Spark AR filter interests me the most because it I haven’t done anything like it before, unlike mold making and casting. I also think its a great way to make art that is interactive and accessible to a large audience via technology and social media. When coming up with a concept for my digital mask, I was thinking of how many face filters on instagram/snapchat there are that drastically distort your proportions and smooth your skin, creating unrealistic beauty standards. In this way, I think face filters can be harmful to both the people using them, and the people seeing others use them as sometimes they are subtle enough to pass off as unaltered or only slightly altered. I wanted to take this idea of a beauty filter but make the filter super apparent and also a look that isn’t commonly held as any type of beauty standard. I did this by creating a blush and freckles where the blush was bright pink, covering the cheeks, nose bridge, and the tip of the nose. I then made the freckles with yellow stars. In order to create a star pattern that looked like freckles, I made a custom brush in Procreate. I did this by drawing a set of stars as the brush shape and then altering different brush qualities to get the right scatter, spacing, rotation, variation in opacity etc. Then I drew my filter directly on the face template on my iPad. I made several iterations, trying different colors, opacities, and spread of freckles and blush. After each version, I uploaded it, tried it out in Spark AR, and then made more iterations to get the filter how I wanted. 

Once I had the filter how I wanted it, I exported it and tried it out on my phone.

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