4D Sketch & Proposal


Ontology of the body:

After brainstorming ideas for Bridge 3, I decided to switch my theme from advertising to the body. To be more specific, I want to focus on the idea of embodiment, exploring questions like: What does it mean to have body? What does it mean to be a human and have a body? What is the difference between body, embodiment, and flesh? Inspired by various texts, films and poems, I hope to create a 4 dimensional representation of my personal perception of what it means to live in a body and experience the world through our bodies. I aim to visualize this through both film and audio, using my own, as well as found footage and music/audio. All music and audio will be inspired/pulled from several outside sources that focus on the philosophy of the body and embodiment theory. Here is a short section of the list of sources that have inspired my final project:

“Killer of Sheep” Directed by Charles Burnett (Film)
“Beasts of Burden” by Sanaura Taylor (Text)
“Afro/Solo/Man” by Brother(hood) Dance! (Performance)
“What is Phenomenology?” by Merleau Ponty (Text)
“Breathturn into Timestead” by Paul Celan (Poetry book)

While the proposal for the content of the project seems ambitious and ambiguous, I foresee the final outcome to be presented as a simple projection on a wall. I hope to use much of my own music and footage assembled into a montage/collage in the form of film. I was planning to attach a clip of the film but the file is too large to attach.

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