Project 2 – Necklace

Final object:

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I chose to continue using the Russian culture to inspire me throughout this project. I came across Russian easter eggs, called pysanky, which are decorated with traditional Russian folk designs. I immediately wanted to incorporate them into my work. I decided to make jewellery using the pysanky, and initially planning to make a bracelet and necklace. However, after revising my idea, I chose to make a necklace that connects to a belt, both made out of wooden “pysanky” connected with leather strips.

The pysanky that are designs with spiral motifs are most powerful, as the demons and other unholy creatures would be trapped within the spirals forever. A blessed pysanka could be used to find demons hidden in dark corners of your house. These beliefs within the Russian culture inspired me to make this jewellery. The jewellery I made traps the body within it and theoretically should protect the human that is trapped within it from demons and unholy creatures. The knots used to connect the leather strips on the chest and stomach represent how the bonds are strong and cannot be broken by the demons.

The jewellery was also inspired by tribal jewellery as it has similar beliefs and round objects connected to strips of material.





Sketchbook and product development:


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