2 objects


Floating Table

When we first look at this object we don’t understand how wooden cubes can be floating in the air. So we start to ask ourselves questions like: Is there an invisible wire? Is it the light that makes it look this way? Did someone just photoshop it?

It is obvious that this coffee table is made out of wood or at least something that imitates it. But I still couldn’t figure out how the blocks were floating without any type of support. So I did a little bit of a research and found out that the table was designed by RPR (Rock Paper Robot) and that the reason why blocks “levitate” is magnetic force. But as I thought before my research, “wooden cubes are held with a system of tensile steel cables ” for them not to ” fly away one from another” (1) .

A wooden coffee table is such an ordinary thing to have in your house but the makers of this table thought of a more creative and unique approach. It makes you spend extra time to figure out how it works, which makes it even more interesting to look at.



  1. https://freshome.com/2013/10/08/dynamic-wooden-rubiks-cube-like-coffee-table-by-rpr/



Tin Table

This object appears to be used for sitting, like a stool. It can also be used as a nightstand or a place, where you put your keys when you come home.

It is made out of metal, possibly stainless steel and on the top it has a wooden lid which probably has a layer of protective coating to prolong the life of the object. It also has two handles, which will make it easier to move this stool. This element is produced by Lounge-tek and was inspired by Feng Shui Design (Tin-Art Project by Alessia Tomasi).

The shape that the maker chose for this object is very interesting. It is a garbage can that was crumpled in different ways in different spots. It looks like one of those huge dented bins in which people from the movies usually burn their old clothes. All those characteristics give the object an urban feel and would fit in in a more garage-type interior.

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