Archive for September, 2018

Sensing The Past

Sensing The Past Smell was always something I instantly notice when I go outside of my room or even open a window.…
Sensing Your Past

Sensing Your Past

For my bridge project I want to create a video-like effect with pictures I took. First picture will be a…
Mapping Your Past

Mapping Your Past

I compared New York with McLean, the city where I spent 2 past years. I tried to explore every sense…
Time Map

Time Map

I remember how hard it was for me to leave everything behind and start over in a new country; the…
The 8th Floor

The 8th Floor

The first piece that I saw, when I entered the room was this weird cage with a drum pedal. M'Boom…
5 sets of 5

5 sets of 5

Things that made out of paper   Things that made out of metal   Things that made out of clear…
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