New York City Soundwalk Part 1

It took me a while to find Max Neuhaus’ sound installation on the Times Square. It is hidden right in the middle of the square under our feet. Even if you don’t live in New York you most likely noticed the number of grates on the street, so it stops being a surprise after one day.

Max Neuhaus used that to create a very unique installation. His idea was for people to accidentally stumble upon it while visiting the Times Square. I could not find a label with the artist’s name or even the name of the installation, which made it tougher for me to find the piece. I am not sure if it was done intentionally that only people who knew about the existence of the piece could find it or they did not put it when they were restoring it.

Overall I liked the this piece, especially the way it made me feel. It was like there is a secret that only a few people know and you are one of them. That made me feel included, like I am a part of a closed community.

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