Light my fire

I started by going to a restaurant called La Esquina. While I was there, I paid attention to little details trying to figure out which ones contribute the most to the restaurant’s atmosphere. I picked out fifteen images that in my opinion represented the restaurant best.


My classmates helped me pick six best images that I later included in four different designs for a matchbook or a matchbox. I tried to make each one of them have that Mexican diner feel while being completely different visually.



After receiving feedback from my classmates, I decided to move forward with the first and last designs as though they were the most successful. I added the red pattern to the inside of the matchbox to make it more cohesive.
For the matchbook I switched out the interior food collage with a different matchbook; I added a flap which will hold the matches and keep the matchbook closed as well as changed the avocado skin texture to a pattern of a repeated name of the restaurant.


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