Bridge Project / Part II: Mind Flaneur: Process

The following images are some of my process work and brainstorming in coming to my final idea:



I decided on my second idea listed on the second page of notes. I’m focusing on a memory of being lost in a waterpark, and my piece will be reminiscent of a waterpark itself, with a glass container holding water, that’s textured with glycerine and other materials to create a snow globe effect. Inside, I’ll also add some wire representing the structure of the park, to add a more chaotic and full feel. The tub of water will have the bottom and top painted black to create the feeling of being trapped, and the structure will rest on a piece of turf, and have another piece layered on top. I’m planning on adding pins onto the pieces of turf, and threading string through the pinpoints, to display the feeling of retracing your steps in an environment full of panic and chaos.

This is my final mood board:


The materials I need to purchase to make my final product are:


-container (already purchased)

-oil paint (black)

-glitter, small toys, other textured materials



-thread (black and red)

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