Memory Manipulated: Process Work + Photos

Ellie and I got together to work on our stop motion a total of around 6-7 times. We brainstormed using the storyboard initially, and pulled together our plot line. The initial idea I had only involved the tradition from pool to clouds, but Ellie suggested we add in the concept of pool into ocean into clouds, which made the video a little more complex and interesting.


After that we purchased our supplies, and early the next week began creating our set. It was definitely difficult to bring what we were envisioning into creation in the way we wanted. The paper doll was very small and difficult to sew together, and we had to really visualize the amount of detail we were looking to shoot. We decided to use different colors of construction paper to make waves, and painted them with acrylic paint. We bought textured papers to add onto them, as well as for some of the clouds. We created the clouds out of cotton balls, as well as some additional white paper.

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After that we began shooting, which took several sessions/days of work. We shot mostly from bird’s eye, which made it a little difficult to keep the camera steady. We switched perspectives during the end of the shoot to give a different view of the waves.

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After shooting, we realized that a lot of the lighting in certain batches was off – which made the editing process a lot longer. We struggled a lot to get the temperature and light to be the exact same in a lot of the water shots. We also didn’t organize our batch edits well in the beginning, so keeping track of the files got complicated. Once w

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