20-30 Years

In twenty to thirty years I’ll be a business owner and sell clothing and household products. The brand is called Anakin, which I think should be fine as long as Disney doesn’t interfere.* These products will be artistic, sustainable, useful, and scarce. To own one of these products will be a symbol of social status, yet also an anodyne. The clothes will simply be clothes, but the products will be similar to sculptures or vinyl toys in appearance, yet also have multiple purposes such as a toaster, bottle opener, piggy bank, charger, etc. These products will also be solar powered. My second greatest success will be to design, produce, manufacture, and sell just one of these products. While my greatest success will be to have influenced whoever bought it to come into contact with me after owning the product for sometime, and describe the qualities of the product as I just did. My greatest failure will be not saving enough money, and not working enough during school to achieve an independent lifestyle in New York City as soon as I’m out of school. The reason that this will be my biggest failure is that the ability to support myself mentally, financially, and creatively will be the catalyst that pushes me to accomplish my greatest success. If I don’t reach these goals in time, my greatest success may never come from my own hands. Although I do have faith that it will come from someone else’s.

*The brand is called Anakin, which I think should be fine as long as Disney doesn’t interfere. I looked it up on a copyright site and the only thing to pop up was the full name “Anakin Skywalker”.  There is also an alternative rock band called Anakin that had no influence on me as a creative, but I do enjoy their music. There are also other brands such as “Noah” and “Nolan”, which are just first names, so I doubt the name itself can really be copyrighted, and I assume the same goes for the name “Anakin”. Either way I’m creative enough to come up with a new name that fits the aesthetic of the brand. If you have any insight on the copyright please let me know.

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