Pope.L. Times Square Crawl MoMA Interpretation

Pope.L. Times Square Crawl

During this film, we see a man crawling in public. This act reveals to us that the man crawling is suffering, and feels hopeless. Basically, he’s given up. It’s a way of telling society that this man has nothing to stand on. That he needs help, yet people see him as lazy or underachieving. I think the most interesting aspect that this act reveals, is that if they were to see him as a man on the ground, they would walk past without a second thought. Thinking that it’s just a casualty of thriving society. But here, as the man crawls, this triggers a natural reaction in people to help, to intervene in his suffering, although some still walk past.

This piece reveals something about our society, and plays into the fact that our resources are not being spread evenly at all, and many people are suffering just because our system doesn’t encourage people to help.

Our sense of money is nothing more than a measure of our freedom to do. There is no more hunting and trading, but capitalizing and profiting off the less fortunate. This sense of money either freeing us or enslaving us is represented in the other piece where the man is wearing a skirt made from money, and is tied up to the entrance of a bank with sausages.

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