Site Visit

Interviewer 1
Why did you visit this place?I am just passing by.
How do you feel when you are here? It is very eye catching.
What elements make this place interesting? The use of colors and the word that artist used.

Interviewer 2
Why do you guys come here? We are on the way to Mexican place. However, we are just passing by, and we saw it. This graffitti looks very bright, and it grap our attention.
How do you feel about this? It is just cool. That’s it.
Do you have any speical memories or experience of this place? This is our first time seeing this. It was just random, and we want to take a picture of it.
What kind of elements make this place interesting? The colors and three dimentional words.

Interviewer 3
Why did you visit this place? I was just passing by, and I saw this interesting graffitti work. I think it is very inspried.
How do you feel about this? It has multiple color and the size is huge. When you look at this from far distance, it looks different. Also, the slogan is interesting as well. It makes the viewer what’s the meaning behind it.
Do you have any speical memories or experience of this place? No, this is my first time visiting here. I am just attratived by this colorful graffitti.
What kind of elements make this place interesting? The lightening effect is very interesting because the lightening is different when you look at it from different perspective. When you look up closely, the color slightly changed.

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