Bridge 4 Part 3

Sketch 1 (Collage with Painting)

This mock up is about Chanel’s portrait collage and painting. For the back ground I want to paint quilted texture of Chanel bag on a canvas. After that, I want to sew with white thread to represent quilted bag texture. Also, I might cut few or one of a line like square by square, and weave a tweed fabric on canvas. Last part of the background might have Chanel’s design drawings in few squares.
On the top of a background, I will attach huge Chanel logo, and in the middle there is an ellipse shape, and in that part I will draw Coco Chanel’s portrait. Also, on a logo line I will glue fake pearls to represent her signiture necklace.

The question about this mock-up is that which size of a canvas will be the best to capture people’s attention?

Sketch 3 (Chanel’s Cosmetics)

These are Chanel’s cosmetics design that I created. I want to make lipstick, blush, and maskara. For the package design, I inspired by her Little Black dress, so the shape of lipstick and maskara case will be curved like a woman’s body. Also, I want to use black silk fabric on the outside of a case. On the cap line I want to attach fake pearls.

The most challenge about this mock-up is it’s hard to make container for lipstick and mascara but, if I only decorait outside of a container it will be way easier.

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