The Project Reflection

My name is Diane Dahyun Nam, and my major is Illustration. I am interested in children book illustration and fashion illustration. I immigrated from South Korea to Caliornia, and I moved in to New York city to study art. This city and Parsons school help me to learn many things about art, and I like this city because I can get great inspirations.

The last project from seminar class was research paper, and I had to research an artist that I chose in Studio class. To write a research paper, I had to find reliable sources to find my artist’s information. After I found few sources, I had to write annotated bibliography. When I wrtie my paper and use the sources, I had to use right citations in Chicago Manual style. This was my first time writing research paper, but my previous writing like Jounalistic Profile, helped me to bulit my writing skills. The research, writing, and making processes were all connected because I needed these steps to write a research paper or make a memorial for my designer. My designer was Coco Chanel and while I research about her, I found our many interesting stories and new facts about her. This research helped me to give such a great idea for studio memorial, and I made masks that are inspired by Chanel’s design. I was able to make a memorial for her because of the research that I did in Seminar class. For the research sources, I used museum web sites, magazine article, and newspaper from New Yroktimes. The most interesting part of this project was that I learned new information about my favorite designer, and now I know how to write a research paper. It will be very helpful for me to write so many research papers in second semester.

In conclusion, this project was important to learn because the art students need to understand different kinds or period of arts. Also, we need to know about the history, technique, and meaning of past artwork and artists. The most important research step was annotated bibliography because it is very important to find reliable sources instead of unreliable sources. I want to knwo why do we only write research papers in integrative seminar 2?

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