Progress and Process on Narrative Project

I have started painting for my narrative project, as planned, and have decided to add another aspect. As far as painting, I am about halfway done with painting on my nostalgic objects (as pictured below). I want to add more detail on the faces and clean up the figures. Tangentally, I’ve been working in my sketchbook drawing more detailed portraits of my family and exploring the idea of home through comic-style renditions of my childhood house. I became somewhat obsessive about drawing this house and decided to follow that impulse alongside my other paintings for this project. I thought it would be cool and effective to etch and print the house images and present those prints alongside the objects as my final collective piece. I feel like this also works with the idea of “archive” that I’ve been interested with lately.

I started etching the house sketches into the plate, and plan on adding more detail and printing them. To complete this project I need to finishing etching and printing, as well as finish my painted objects.

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