Project 9: Final Project

Link to Site


Site Map

Page Designs

General Description of the Assignment

This assignment challenged us to make an interactive website that allowed someone to experience a spatial location through both an immediate and mediated lens. For mine, I made a dreamy walking tour to the park where users can choose to listen to the media and directions provided, or follow the instructions exactly and take in their own. It ends in Washington Square Park, where a user can choose the “extroverted” end or the “introverted” end.

Detailed Description of Your Project

My project is a relatively guided tour through a mental relaxation, but also a walk to Washington Square Park, a place I often go to decompress after school. I wanted to guide a user through a mundane but extremely introspective part of my day that is specific to its location. The user experiences the immediate tour to the park, page by page on the website reflecting each block, and choices of ending, but it is layered under my own experience and what stood out to me in the particular journey I went on, sounds, images, and both combined. This media transports the user out of the present, but influences their experience in that it can cause them to notice new things in their present walk.

The dreamlike design of the website contributes to the feeling of displacement it causes, but the rather straightforward layout until the user gets to the park is reflective of the walk, which is literally a straight line, and overall it is meant to be a transportive experience, mentally and physically.

The media I included was completely biased by my own point of view, it was what stood out to me in that instance of experiencing the place. The media I choose to include at each interval varies, because at different times I took note of more or less and different things. When I am along this walk, I often tune out almost completely and thus what I notice is extremely limited and incidental, which I tried to convey. It’s as if single moments in time stick out alone. It both shows the user what one can notice and challenges them to make their own memories.

At the end of the tour, the user can choose to sit at the social hub that is the center fountain among friends, or tune out with music and think. Both options are relaxing for different personalities, and they can watch me experience the start of both. Then, the user is subsequently told (and encouraged that) they are doing the same, further muddling past and present experience.

Physical Location of Your Project

Fifth Avenue from UC to WSP Arch, WSP Fountain, WSP Swingset.

Self Assessment

I was quite proud with how the coding came out with this project, it’s a new skill to me and I was very happy with how the site turned out aesthetically and functionally, outside of the video/audio media in both regards. I was able to find a workaround in the code to deal with my audio and video selectively showing up despite no visible errors in the html and css coding. In terms of experience, I think the site also meets the requirement and tackles the big idea of the assignment quite well.

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