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Artist Statement

Emily Powers is a New York based multidisciplinary artist. She currently attends Parsons School of Design where she is studying fashion design and business. She doesn’t limit herself to only creating what her studies pertain to, she also has background in graphic design, styling, and writing. She has worked professionally in all aforementioned fields.

Most of Emily’s visual art work draws from some sort of historical inspiration. She also loves to take two concepts and find a way to create something new. More than anything, Emily has a passion for innovation and creating new concepts. She enjoys fashion as an art form more so than fashion as solely a commodity. While she enjoys creating new and innovative concepts through art, at the end of the day her art’s sole purpose is to make other people feel something when they experience it. 99% of the time the feeling should be happy or joyful especially when pertaining to her fashion work. She doesn’t like it when things are overly convoluted for the sake of making something deeper than it needs to be. She currently has a major problem with the fashion-education system’s forceful implementation of overly-pretentious work. She thinks that making beautiful and fun things for the sake of joy should be allowed. She is trying to challenge this through her work without making it entirely frivolous. It is a fine line but she is working on it. Overall, Emily is still trying to explore her art and what she enjoys making most. She is only 20-years-old and is very much coming into her own still. She has a strong sense of who she is and she’s trying to translate that into who she is as an artist and a designer, they currently feel separate, but she’s trying to make them into one.

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