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Revised Artist Statement

I am a New York based multidisciplinary artist. I currently attend Parsons School of Design where I am studying fashion design and business. I don’t limit myself to only creating what my studies pertain to, I also have a background in graphic design, styling, and writing. I have worked professionally in all aforementioned fields.

Most of my visual art work draws from some sort of historical inspiration. I also love to take two concepts and find a way to create something new. More than anything, I have a passion for innovation and creating new concepts. I enjoy fashion as an art form more so than fashion as solely a commodity. While I enjoy creating new and innovative concepts through art, at the end of the day my art’s sole purpose is to make other people feel something when they experience it. 99% of the time the feeling should be happy or joyful especially when pertaining to my fashion work. I don’t like it when things are overly convoluted for the sake of making something deeper than it needs to be. I currently have a major problem with the fashion-education system’s forceful implementation of overly-pretentious work. I think that making beautiful and fun things for the sake of joy should be allowed. I am trying to challenge this through my work without making it entirely frivolous. It is a fine line but I am is working on it.

Currently I’m exploring children’s clothes but for adults. I like the humorous aspect of the idea but how it can also be high fashion in the way it is executed. Next year, for my thesis, I want to explore Catholicism, the relativity of morals, and the way these two things can influence our sexual attitudes. This concept is an example of how I like to explore the crossover of two different concepts and how they relate. I think fashion can be a strong medium to communicate these concepts in a visual way.

Overall, I am still trying to explore my art and what I enjoy making most. I am only 21-years-old and I am very much coming into my own still. I have a strong sense of who I am and I am trying to translate that into who I am as an artist and a designer, the two currently feel separate, but I’m trying to make them into one.

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