I think it was very interesting to hear a presentation from an influencer, and see his point of view regarding his job and involvement with social media. We are used to seeing them through Instagram or other social media outlets and don’t have the chance to actually interact with them in real life. The presentation was a bit disappointing, as he didn’t;t seem very confident of the points he was making. He seemed shallow and egocentric. However, he mentioned that he was Russian, and I think that there is a language barrier that could have made him portray a different persona than he wanted and failed to express his points properly. I have definitely experienced this difficulty while trying to express myself in English, which is a second language for me, so maybe that could have influenced the way we perceived him. He also mentioned that he worked as a graphic designer, but he didn’t; showed us that aspect of his life. It would have been interesting to see more of his work instead of just pictures of himself and his Instagram feed, which mainly focused on him trying to sell a product. He had a very specific aesthetic that involved pastel colors, which in his opinion related to youthfulness and fun. One could see the level of superficiality through his profile. it was all colorful and perfectly edited pictures that didn’t show his reality, but just a mere creation of an idealized life that no one lives. I would have liked to see more of his real self and his real life, instead of pure branding and advertising.

Reflection on Murs Alison

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